Tuesday, July 29, 2008


so no pictures yet... I know I know you are anxiously awaiting my photos.. he he.... but it will happen eventually. I have been taking pictures and using my creativity but things have been a little crazy.

To give you a little update:

Work at the bank: crazy crazy crazy all month long. I have been doing some different projects at work lately and it definitely keeps me busy for the eight hours I am there Monday through Friday. I feel as though just doing that, I could work at least 10 hours every day. I enjoy being that busy at work but I have a hard time letting it go once I leave the office. I think about everything I need to do when I get back in there and then I get home...and I starting thinking about everything I need to do at home. It sometimes feels as though it is never ending but you cant complain... because the time you need to start worrying is when you have no work. Next month and into September my main project at work is going to be the Make A Wish walk which is hosted in Belfast. This year the walk will be on September 18th at 6pm. If you would like to get involved, please let me know. For those of you who dont know a lot about Make A Wish, it is a program which grants "wishes" to children that are diagnosed with life threatening illnesses. Honestly, I read through the children's amazing stories and I cry every time. Most of the time these kids dont even want something for themselves, they want something for their family and it is just so touching that these children are so selfless. If we could only all be that way. My goal is try and raise enough money so that my line of business can grant at least one wish. ONE WISH=$6,000. I know it's an aggressive goal and especially in this economy that we are all facing right now but I think we can do it. Check back later about this because I will have my donation link where you can donate directly to my team. I apologize that was a little bit of tangent but it is a cause that I am so passionate about I cant help myself.

At home: BUSY BUSY BUSY! For those of you who don't know we recently made an offer on a house in our area. Right now, we are still waiting and are in the offer phase. Hopefully we will hear something back by end of week and can move forward with the process but we will see. In addition, our photography business is definitely picking up. We are very busy with that and it couldnt make us happier. We are definitely going to be going non stop through the end of the year especially if we do end up purchasing this home.

To add to this all Ryan and I are still on opposite schedules. Ryan and I would really like to eventually be on the same schedule and hope that it happens sooner rather than later but only time will tell, it definitely makes the home buying process a little bit more complicated.

Well that is all for now... sorry that this is such a long post but it is definitely made to give you an update on all the going ons! Hope everyone has a great week!!!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

engagement pics

Today, I worked from 8-5 and then I had a client meeting. I met with our clients who's wedding we will be photographing in October, Ryan shot their engagement session on Sunday and needless to say both Ryan and myself were extremely happy with the result of the session. You can get a full sampling at Ryan's blog, http://rjmphoto.blogspot.com/.

As usual work at the bank was the main purpose of the day. Some days the time at work just flies by... unfortunately today was not one of them.... I looked at my phone at about 11 thinking it was time for my afternoon break... I was sadly mistaken. Hopefully tomorrow will fly by, fridays are generally busy as we are very light staffed so that is my hope!!!!

Secondly, I was very excited to present the results of Sunday's session to our clients and they were extremely happy with the results. It is always satisfying to capture the love in someone's life and to see their reactions to our interpetation.

Well that is it, I definitely wanted to keep you updated, there isnt a whole lot going on right now but I will post something more substantial this weekend... maybe a picture........ooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
( yes I take pictures too :) )

Sunday, July 20, 2008

here we go again...

Here's to the second blog post! I am committed to a second blog post-AMAAAAAZING!!

We have been very busy over the last couple of days, I worked yesterday as I had to reallocate some time from later this week due to a dentist appointment. (FYI I hate the dentist) Yesterday afternoon we went and looked at some houses to compare our options in our neighborhood. We definitely enjoy where we live and the neighborhood is very quiet which is nice. Eventually we would like to own a house in this area versus renting. Personally, I hope that change takes place sooner rather than later because paying for something you dont own, gets old fast.

Today, we had an engagment phootshoot for a couple, whose wedding we are photographing in October. The pictures came out wicked awesome and I cant wait to see how the wedding photographs come out. The wedding will be at the boathouse in Belfast and as many of you the building is very nice and the location couldnt be better-right on the ocean! Ryan will have some posts of pictures later on on his blog. I didnt take any pictures personally because I was busy playing with the bride's adorable daughter but as usual Ryan did a fabulous job! Make sure you check out his blog later at http://rjmphoto.blogspot.com/.

That is all for now! Check better later. I will have some pictures in my next blog, I promise!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

First Post

So here is my first post official blog post. I am not very well versed at the purpose or intention behind blogs so I am going to shoot from the hip with this stuff, so if you are visiting please bear with me, I am sure it will get better over time. First of all I think you are suppose to start out first with your intentions and purpose for the blog but honestly I don't have any besides the fact that I would like to showcase some of my individual work in reference to our photography business. For any of you who don't know, Ryan and I run a small photography business. We primarily focus on weddings but we also cover senior portraits, family sessions as well as sell prints. Our website is http://mysite.verizon.net/vzewtbjo/rjmphoto/. Check it out if you get a chance.

Currently, Ryan has his blog at http://rjmphoto.blogspot.com/ and he does a fabulous job. As many of you already know Ryan is a very talented photographer. Ryan inspires me to be a better photographer and honestly just a better all around person. So here is my shot to become a better photographer! I am going to commit to post at least once a week to start out and we will see where that takes us. Who knows, I may fall in love with this blogging thing and want to keep it going more than once a week. Here is my first picture a tribute to my talented boyfriend.